In the age of flex desks and teleworking, the line between the physical office and the place where work is actually accomplished has begun to blur. At Simac, we understand that modern work methods differ from those of earlier times. Work is no longer a place we go to, it’s now a time and place-independent event. This New Way of Working calls for a user-friendly set of communication and collaboration tools.
Simac offers tailor-made ICT solutions to companies that wish to improve flexibility, efficiency and collaboration, both on a day-to-day basis and when communicating with customers. These are the solutions and tools that replace the need for face-to-face meetings:
1) Collaboration through voice and video solutions
2) Collaboration through virtual meeting platforms
3) Collaboration through team tools (Microsoft Teams and Cisco Webex Teams)
These emerging technologies pave the way for modernized digital interactions with customers and co-workers alike. More importantly, these collaboration tools are platform-independent, which means customers do not need to install anything further to gain access to their potential.
Simac can integrate these software platforms and make all features available to employees on-premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid work environment, to best suit the needs of each individual organization. On top of the standard collaboration software packages, Simac also provides added applications, such as a contact center or a media recovery tool.
For more than ten years, companies of all types and sizes have been relying on our expert knowledge when it comes to collaboration – the Simac Integration team will help you to select the software that best fits all of your organization’s unique requirements.